Friday, October 31, 2008

Car Update and A Note on a Friend

I'm happy to report that the car has been taken care of and I am no longer the owner of an performance sports car that I can't afford whilst in Europe.

People keep asking me if I'm sad to have gotten rid of it. Not really, no. That car was something of my dream car and when I first bought it I made my peace with the idea that if I only owned such a machine for a little while and then had to drive something more ordinary then that was okay. And I still feel that way, even if I didn't at the time realize that the 'something more ordinary' would be a bike.

That said, sometimes it's good to look back and remember. I had some good times in the GT. I went some places and saw some things and committed some moving violations. The good news is that Happy Fun Car, as it was affectionately known, has been immortalized in digital video, below

This particular video was actually created for my very good friend Amy Long, who is currently raising support to go and live in Haiti for a year. Once you watch it you should totally go check out her blog and learn what you can do to help in Haiti. It isn't all about leather jackets and fast cars!

Meanwhile, the video, she is here:


Bob and Joanne said...

It's good that it isn't all leather jackets or performance cars, because I've managed a half century without either. If I could afford a mid-life crisis, I wouldn't mind a little red sports car.

Catherine said...

YES! I saw that vid & laughed muchly! You were awesome ;) *wistful sigh* A fitting farewell clip of HFC..

So glad to hear that your car worries are over- Hooray for answered prayer <3